0.00 CT/kWh IN THE 1st YEAR

Bitcoin mining in Paraguay

Mining new Bitcoin requires a favorable electricity price. Our Bitcoin Mining Farm in Paraguay has a pragmatic solution to overcome these challenges: We get our electricity from the Itaipú Dam, one of the largest hydroelectric power plants in the world. Itaipú produces 518% of the energy required by the whole of Paraguay. Munich International Mining and our customers use clean and renewable energy that cannot be stored to mine Bitcoin and secure the Bitcoin network.

Hosting: from 7.8ct / kWh
100% hydropower
up to 25 MW available

The technology behind an efficient Bitcoin mining farm

This is Nicolas. Nicolas has been with MIM since the end of 2021. He started his career at Munich International Mining as an intern and quickly worked his way up to Manager of the Bitcoin Mining Farm in Paraguay. Nicolas studied in Germany and speaks German. As a native Colombian, he is also fluent in Spanish, which helps him to communicate effectively in Paraguay. Nicolas is responsible for the operations and processes within the mining farm and ensures that the facility is run efficiently and profitably.

As Mining Manager, Nicolas and his team are also responsible for the maintenance and repair of the miners as well as the safety of the facility. He ensures that the miners are serviced regularly to minimize downtime and ensure that the farm operates as efficiently as possible. 


Bitcoin Mining Paraguay: Cooling and heat dissipation

Cooling and heat dissipation are critical aspects of the operation of Bitcoin mining farms in Paraguay. Miners in Paraguay generate a significant amount of heat during operation, which must be dissipated to avoid overheating and hardware failure. There are various methods of cooling mining farms, including air cooling, water cooling and underfloor cooling. Another effective cooling method is the Evaporative Cooling System.

The Evaporative Cooling System is an efficient and environmentally friendly cooling system that works particularly well in Paraguay due to the high humidity. With this method, water is fed through a central unit equipped with evaporation pads. The hot air is then passed through the pads, evaporating the water and cooling the air. The cooled air is then fed into the mining farm to cool the miners.

The Evaporative Cooling System is particularly ideal for Bitcoin mining farms, as it effectively reduces the high heat load of mining farms. The miners generate an enormous amount of heat, which is often difficult to control. However, the Evaporative Cooling System can provide effective cooling to keep the temperature in the farm stable and protect the miners from overheating.

Another advantage of the Evaporative Cooling System is that it offers a cost-effective and environmentally friendly cooling solution. In contrast to conventional cooling methods such as air cooling and water cooling, the Evaporative Cooling System is more energy efficient and requires less energy to operate. In addition, it does not use any environmentally harmful coolant that pollutes the environment.

Security measures of the Bitcoin mining farms in Paraguay

Security measures are an important aspect of operating the MIM Bitcoin Mining Farm in Paraguay. The facility contains a significant amount of hardware that needs to be protected. MIM has implemented several security measures to protect your hardware. Below are some of the most important aspects of the security concept:

  • Surveillance cameras: The MIM Bitcoin Mining Farm in Paraguay is equipped with surveillance cameras that monitor the facility around the clock and can record suspicious activities. 

  • Staff presence: MIM has staff present at the facility 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to monitor the farm and respond quickly in the event of a problem. These employees ensure that the facility is safe and secure.

  • Insurance: The MIM Bitcoin Mining Farm in Paraguay has taken out insurance to protect its hardware. The insurance provides comprehensive protection against damage caused by natural disasters such as fire, tornadoes or flooding. The insurance enables MIM to minimize potential losses and ensure the continuity of operations.

Maintenance and repair at the Paraguay mining farm

Meet Gabriel, Will and SergioMaintenance and repair of the miners is an important aspect of the operation of the MIM Bitcoin Mining Farm in Paraguay. To ensure maximum profitability and efficiency of the facility, the miners need to be regularly maintained and repaired when necessary. Below are some of the most important aspects of maintenance and repair at the MIM Bitcoin Mining Farm:

  • Regular maintenance: The miners at the MIM Bitcoin Mining Farm in Paraguay are regularly maintained by employees Will, Gabriel and Sergio to ensure that they function properly and achieve the maximum hash rate. Maintenance includes cleaning the miners, replacing defective or worn components and checking the cooling and power supply.

  • Repair: In the event of hardware failure or damage, the miners at the MIM Bitcoin Mining Farm are repaired by employees Will, Gabriel and Sergio. This includes replacing defective or damaged parts and checking the miners to ensure that they are working properly.

  • Knowledgeable staff: The MIM Bitcoin Mining Farm in Paraguay employs specialized staff who have extensive knowledge in the maintenance and repair of miners. The staff is able to quickly identify and fix problems to ensure maximum profitability and efficiency of the facility.

  • Spare parts: The MIM Bitcoin Mining Farm in Paraguay has a stock of spare parts in order to be able to react quickly in the event of hardware failures or damage. The stock of spare parts minimizes downtime to ensure that the farm operates as efficiently as possible.

The maintenance and repair of the miners at the MIM Bitcoin Mining Farm in Paraguay is an important aspect of the operation of the facility. Regular maintenance and any necessary repairs carried out by specialists such as Will, Gabriel and Sergio ensure maximum profitability and efficiency of the farm. The stock of spare parts and the trained staff are crucial in order to be able to react quickly in the event of hardware failures and minimize downtime.